Pete Davidson Curses Out PETA Exec In Furious Voicemail
(too old to reply)
2023-06-07 23:42:55 UTC
“SNL” actor Pete Davidson shared some harsh words with an executive
from the animal rights organization, People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA) after being scolded for purchasing a new dog from a
pet store rather than adopting one.

The 29-year-old comedian left an explicit voicemail on Monday for
Daphna Nachminovitch, the senior vice president of PETA’s Cruelty
Investigations Department, after she released a statement about
Davidson shopping for a dog.

“Thank you so much for making comments publicly that I didn’t adopt a
dog,” Davidson said in the recording, per a report from Fox News. “I
just want to let you know I’m severely allergic to dogs, so I have to
get a specific breed. I’m only not allergic to Cavapoos, and those type
of dogs.”

“And my mom’s f***ing dog, who’s two years old, died a week prior, and
we’re all so sad,” the actor continued. “So I had to get a specific
dog. So why don’t you do your research before f***ing create[ing] news
story for people because you’re a boring, tired c***. F*** you. And
suck my d***.”

The Cavapoo is a mixed breed that combines the Cavalier King Charles
spaniel and poodle. It’s known for being “hypoallergenic” and is
supposedly non-irritating for dog owners with allergies.

Davidson’s friend had previously posted on social media that the
actor’s dog, Henry, had died just ahead of the “Bupkis” premiere day on
May 4. Davidson and his girlfriend, Chase Sui Wonders, were later
photographed shopping for a new dog at the Citipups pet store in New
York City.

This led to PETA releasing a statement: “It’s tragic that Pete didn’t
seek out a borough-born mutt from a city animal shelter, because a
scrappy New Yorker with charm, personality, and unconventional
handsomeness could have been his perfect match. Since shelters in New
York and across the country are overflowing with homeless animals, PETA
urges Pete to show some big heart energy by adopting, not shopping, in
the future.”

Davidson replied via his own statement to TMZ, saying that he initially
sought to “adopt a specific hypoallergenic dog” and that he was told
“it wasn’t an option, and if it was, it was rare.”

The “SNL” alum also said he was sorry for his harshly worded voicemail
but explained how he spoke out of grief.

“I haven’t seen my mom and sister cry like that in over 20 years. I was
trying to cheer up my family. I was already upset that the store had
filmed me without my permission or acknowledgment. Then this
organization (PETA) made a public example of us, making our grieving
situation worse. I am upset. It was a poor choice of words. I shouldn’t
have said what I said, but I am not sorry for standing up for myself
and my family.”


PETA responded, insisting that Davidson could have found the breed he
wanted at a shelter and shouldn’t have visited a pet store.

“Our hearts go out to Pete and the rest of the Davidson family for the
loss of their beloved dog, but there’s no excuse for promoting the
puppy mill industry by buying a dog from a pet store when millions of
wonderful dogs await loving homes in animal shelters. Anyone set on
finding a dog of a specific breed can go to shelters, where an
estimated 25% of dogs are ‘purebreds,’ check with adoption groups, or
search Petfinder online,” PETA wrote.

“Citipups, the store where Pete purchased his dog, has come under fire
for allegedly selling sick puppies who have died prematurely. We know
Pete cares about animals and was trying to do a nice thing for his
family, but he has millions of impressionable fans and his choices
matter—so the next time he’s ready to welcome an animal into the
family, we hope he makes the compassionate choice to adopt, not buy.”

Let's go Brandon!
2023-06-07 23:58:52 UTC
SNL actor Pete Davidson shared some harsh words with an executive
from the animal rights organization, People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA) after being scolded for purchasing a new dog from a
pet store rather than adopting one.
The 29-year-old comedian left an explicit voicemail on Monday for
Daphna Nachminovitch, the senior vice president of PETA's Cruelty
Investigations Department, after she released a statement about
Davidson shopping for a dog.
"Thank you so much for making comments publicly that I didn't adopt a
dog," Davidson said in the recording, per a report from Fox News. "I
just want to let you know I'm severely allergic to dogs, so I have to
get a specific breed. I'm only not allergic to Cavapoos, and those type
of dogs."
"And my mom's fucking dog, who's two years old, died a week prior, and
we're all so sad," the actor continued. "So I had to get a specific
dog. So why don't you do your research before fucking create[ing] news
story for people because you're a boring, tired cunt. Fuck you. And
suck my dick."
The Cavapoo is a mixed breed that combines the Cavalier King Charles
spaniel and poodle. It’s known for being hypoallergenic and is
supposedly non-irritating for dog owners with allergies.
Davidson's friend had previously posted on social media that the
actor's dog, Henry, had died just ahead of the BUPKIS premiere day on
May 4. Davidson and his girlfriend, Chase Sui Wonders, were later
photographed shopping for a new dog at the Citipups pet store in New
York City.
This led to PETA releasing a statement: "It's tragic that Pete didn't
seek out a borough-born mutt from a city animal shelter, because a
scrappy New Yorker with charm, personality, and unconventional
handsomeness could have been his perfect match. Since shelters in New
York and across the country are overflowing with homeless animals, PETA
urges Pete to show some big heart energy by adopting, not shopping, in
the future."
Davidson replied via his own statement to TMZ, saying that he initially
sought to "adopt a specific hypoallergenic dog" and that he was told
"it wasn't an option, and if it was, it was rare."
The SNL alum also said he was sorry for his harshly worded voicemail
but explained how he spoke out of grief.
"I haven't seen my mom and sister cry like that in over 20 years. I was
trying to cheer up my family. I was already upset that the store had
filmed me without my permission or acknowledgment. Then this
organization (PETA) made a public example of us, making our grieving
situation worse. I am upset. It was a poor choice of words. I shouldn't
have said what I said, but I am not sorry for standing up for myself
and my family."
PETA responded, insisting that Davidson could have found the breed he
wanted at a shelter and shouldn’t have visited a pet store.
"Our hearts go out to Pete and the rest of the Davidson family for the
loss of their beloved dog, but there's no excuse for promoting the
puppy mill industry by buying a dog from a pet store when millions of
wonderful dogs await loving homes in animal shelters. Anyone set on
finding a dog of a specific breed can go to shelters, where an
estimated 25% of dogs are 'purebreds'’ check with adoption groups, or
search Petfinder online," PETA wrote.
"Citipups, the store where Pete purchased his dog, has come under fire
for allegedly selling sick puppies who have died prematurely. We know
Pete cares about animals and was trying to do a nice thing for his
family, but he has millions of impressionable fans and his choices
matter... so the next time he’s ready to welcome an animal into the
family, we hope he makes the compassionate choice to adopt, not buy."
Wow, those PETA people really are shitbags, aren't they? Not only for
how they behaved here but they're making me defend Pete Davidson, who is
basically the concept of meth given human form.
2023-06-08 01:01:49 UTC
Post by BTR1701
SNL actor Pete Davidson shared some harsh words with an executive
from the animal rights organization, People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA) after being scolded for purchasing a new dog from a
pet store rather than adopting one.
The 29-year-old comedian left an explicit voicemail on Monday for
Daphna Nachminovitch, the senior vice president of PETA's Cruelty
Investigations Department, after she released a statement about
Davidson shopping for a dog.
"Thank you so much for making comments publicly that I didn't adopt a
dog," Davidson said in the recording, per a report from Fox News. "I
just want to let you know I'm severely allergic to dogs, so I have to
get a specific breed. I'm only not allergic to Cavapoos, and those type
of dogs."
"And my mom's fucking dog, who's two years old, died a week prior, and
we're all so sad," the actor continued. "So I had to get a specific
dog. So why don't you do your research before fucking create[ing] news
story for people because you're a boring, tired cunt. Fuck you. And
suck my dick."
The Cavapoo is a mixed breed that combines the Cavalier King Charles
spaniel and poodle. It’s known for being hypoallergenic and is
supposedly non-irritating for dog owners with allergies.
Davidson's friend had previously posted on social media that the
actor's dog, Henry, had died just ahead of the BUPKIS premiere day on
May 4. Davidson and his girlfriend, Chase Sui Wonders, were later
photographed shopping for a new dog at the Citipups pet store in New
York City.
This led to PETA releasing a statement: "It's tragic that Pete didn't
seek out a borough-born mutt from a city animal shelter, because a
scrappy New Yorker with charm, personality, and unconventional
handsomeness could have been his perfect match. Since shelters in New
York and across the country are overflowing with homeless animals, PETA
urges Pete to show some big heart energy by adopting, not shopping, in
the future."
Davidson replied via his own statement to TMZ, saying that he initially
sought to "adopt a specific hypoallergenic dog" and that he was told
"it wasn't an option, and if it was, it was rare."
The SNL alum also said he was sorry for his harshly worded voicemail
but explained how he spoke out of grief.
"I haven't seen my mom and sister cry like that in over 20 years. I was
trying to cheer up my family. I was already upset that the store had
filmed me without my permission or acknowledgment. Then this
organization (PETA) made a public example of us, making our grieving
situation worse. I am upset. It was a poor choice of words. I shouldn't
have said what I said, but I am not sorry for standing up for myself
and my family."
PETA responded, insisting that Davidson could have found the breed he
wanted at a shelter and shouldn’t have visited a pet store.
"Our hearts go out to Pete and the rest of the Davidson family for the
loss of their beloved dog, but there's no excuse for promoting the
puppy mill industry by buying a dog from a pet store when millions of
wonderful dogs await loving homes in animal shelters. Anyone set on
finding a dog of a specific breed can go to shelters, where an
estimated 25% of dogs are 'purebreds'’ check with adoption groups, or
search Petfinder online," PETA wrote.
"Citipups, the store where Pete purchased his dog, has come under fire
for allegedly selling sick puppies who have died prematurely. We know
Pete cares about animals and was trying to do a nice thing for his
family, but he has millions of impressionable fans and his choices
matter... so the next time he’s ready to welcome an animal into the
family, we hope he makes the compassionate choice to adopt, not buy."
Wow, those PETA people really are shitbags, aren't they? Not only for
how they behaved here but they're making me defend Pete Davidson, who is
basically the concept of meth given human form.
I’d pay real money to see him going to PETA headquarters and shoot the
place up.


Also, why did spellcheck after the fact change that to all capitals?
The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it is still on my list.
2023-06-08 08:30:41 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Wow, those PETA people really are shitbags, aren't they? Not only for
how they behaved here but they're making me defend Pete Davidson, who is
basically the concept of meth given human form.
I know, right?

Let's go Brandon!
